
How to push an image to an unexposed OpenShift Docker registry

How do I push an image to the OpenShift Docker registry if it is not exposed outside the cluster? Login to a member node Get on a machine that has docker and participates in the cluster SDN or can somehow access that network. (eg. Get the IP of the registry oc get svc docker-registry -n default --template "{{ .spec.clusterIP }}" SVC_REGISTRY=$(oc get svc docker-registry -n default --template "{{ .spec.clusterIP }}") Get a token for your session

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How to List Tags On Redhat Registry Images

Ever gone to RedHat’s container registry to search for an image and been left wondering what versions exist? Ever been frustrated by the inconsistent tag format? Is there a v or is there not a v? Me too. Docker Hub has progressed to v2, while the RedHat registry is still v1 at the moment. As long as you use the right syntax, you can use curl to query the registry API and list the tags like this:

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Resources for Learning About Docker

Tutorials Docker’s 10min Tutorial Andrew Baker’s Introduction to Docker Red Hat Workhops Docker and Kubernetes Training - Christian Posta Blog Intro Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Books As of April 2015, O’Reilly has at least 3 books on Docker pending publication. The first two are available in pre-release form now. Using Docker My exercises from the book: identidock Docker Cookbook Docker: Up and Running Blogs Docker Blog Docker Weekly Newsletter Rancher Blog posts some great overviews like this one and this one on monitoring ClusterHQ Blog from makers of Flocker container live migration Videos O’Reilly Introduction to Docker

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